1 fish in troubled waters :
I took advantage of the seller busy things one yuan , requiring a $ 30 hair goods, or obviously took things one is , and the seller said to have been shot three , requiring delivery.
Prevention methods : Be sure to verify the amount of money buyers were shipped.
2 bait :
To the best sources of supply channels or platforms , first give you a small amount of goods , let your money to win the trust again after experiencing a large amount of time allowed to purchase direct transfer or Paypal confirmed first point then shipped when away.
Prevention methods : brothers out afterwards , no matter how good the relationship between people , the face of the transaction should pay attention to safety , under no circumstances do not receive the goods in private remittances or directly point to confirm receipt, there is no free lunch those good thing lowest priority goods , often a step toward the trap trap.
3 Remittances trick :
Want to ask the seller via bank card , claiming direct payments through bank , the seller can not log in your bank account ( this time crook has landed N times lead to landing day limit ) , and then send the seller a bank transfer screenshots, let delivery, careless sellers that really sinks into his own account , leading to deception .
Prevention Methods : stick with the payment transaction, do shipping. Set your own bank card personalization username login !

4 use QQ or phone contact cheat Password:
Want to say not used to , plus you QQ contact you, when you send in the QQ password , the other disappears, you have no other complaints Want records and evidence ! Swallow ! Or take the phone off the assembly line after contact you belong trick !
Prevention Methods : QQ chat can recommend Want to chat , because of a dispute Service recognizes only Want records , if the other party really want the goods, you put delivery notes issued by the relevant passwords to each other, let him go to extract the password ! Screenshot If you need to take the relevant screenshot related Keep ! When necessary, the QQ chat records sent to the other photographed items and the other in the upper Want confirm !

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