2014 Wrap Up - Things We Learned at Web Design Library

AliceL Design Principles Dec 29, 2014

These last couple of weeks I've been reflecting on 2014. The year was full of events. We learned a lot and made changes. One of the fundamental changes was the redesign of this blog - it is actually fully responsive now, I hope you've noticed.

The most valuable and interesting things we learned in this year are shown at below.

The Greatest Tools Ever for Superior Website Typography

web design 2014

Have you ever thought about where the most amazing website typography you've seen came from?Well, this is absolutely not occur by chance.The readability, legibility and aesthetic features you marvel about are a result of hard work.Here you will find the ways to make this work more easier.

Responsive Design: What You Need To Know

web design 2014

Responsive design is not the latest concept in web design.But with the development of mobile technologies responsive design rapidly morphing from a trend to a standard in web design. You can learn the responsive design basics from this article.

Usability Tips for Shopping Sites

web design 2014

Usability is one of the main parts any website has to focus on, but for shopping websites it is crucial. You'll lose customers if there are too many usability issues. Here you'll find 10 tips to help you.

What to Look for in Your Web Hosting Company

web design 2014

Website owner often overlooked web hosting and this is really wrong.Your web hosting company may influence your website and you cannot let this aspect become a random choice.This post has a list of things you need to check to make the right choice.

6 Skills Web Designers Need to Have

web design 2014

Web design is one of the most popular occupations these days, and it continues to be in demand. If you are learning to be a web designer and even if you already are an experienced designer you'll find this post to be useful. There is a list of the core skills that can help a web designer be more successful.

Web Design Fails

web design 2014

When you learn some new skill you usually look into the best examples of the thing you learn to make, but learning about fails can be fruitful as well. Here you'll find an overview of things that will make a design fail. Learn them and don't make the same mistakes.

Flat Design: Everything You Should Know

web design 2014

Flat design is definitely the most prevalent trend in 2014 and it will definitely stay the same for 2015. Learn everything you need to know about flat design from this article.

6 Skills Web Designers Need to Have

web design 2014

Web design is one of the most popular occupations these days, and it continues to be in demand. If you are learning to be a web designer and even if you already are an experienced designer you'll find this post to be useful. There is a list of the core skills that can help a web designer be more successful.

Basic Guide to Typography

web design 2014

Web design is not only about colors, positioning and pictures elements on a page. Typography is one of the main parts of web design. Here you will learn why it is that way and how to be a pro in it.

Design Snippets to Wow Your Website Visitors

web design 2014

CSS snippets are an awesome way to apply the latest design trends in a matter of minutes. Snippets provided in this post deal with the aesthetics of your website. You'll find a flat menu, a social footer and a login form here.

Glaring UX Mistakes That Drive People Nuts

web design 2014

User experience, or UX, is a important part of design you absolutely can not overlook.This post describes most common UX mistakes, learn them, never make them and your website will always be a success.

Top Web Design Tools to Die For

web design 2014

Every web designer, a seasoned professional or a newbie, has a list of tools he/she uses every day. This post contains a list of awesome tools that you probably haven't tried yet. I am sure you'll add some of them, if not all, to your list of tools to use with every project.

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